
10 Snacks Every Office Break Room Needs

Have you ever wondered whether or not you should offer snacks at work? The research is out, and the answer is a resounding yes.  By offering snacks in your office break room, you’re showing your employees that you care about their well-being. It’s also an effective way of increasing productivity and reducing employee turnover. Not sure where to start? Here is our list of 10 beverages and snacks for break rooms. 1. Granola Bars With...
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How to Upgrade Your Office Break Room

The break room is meant to be a relaxing escape from the hustle and bustle of the office. It's where your employees can eat, rest, socialize, and recharge before getting back to work.  If the break room is truly the mini-oasis that it should be, it will help workers improve their focus and productivity during the day. Think your workplace needs a break room makeover? Here are a few affordable yet meaningful...
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